Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's a Quest!

Yesterday, while out on my quest to Kill Grundig Darkcloud, in the the Stonetalon Mountains, I came across this Mage...

He looked really familiar, as if I had seen him elsewhere... perhaps it was that time in the Western Plaguelands? Or perhaps it was just an episode of Frisky Dingo... can you find him here?

Ah yes... that's where it was. After figuring that out, and being able to level-up because of my mad skills; I pulled out my iPwn so that I could play a merry tune on my Ocarina App. Joyous was I, to realize there are still no shortage of amicable companions from Hyrule, with whom I could play our mirthful tunes!


Brittainy said...

Is it sad that I know exactly where the Stonetalon Mountains are?

I am Brian said...

Yes... yes it is.

But I'll forgive you if you post a picture of your character on your blog.