Coming back through Lyons, the cops were amped-up for some action, especially with annual music festival going on. As we came barreling through town after the first loop, all over the road, speeding, a cop was waiting to pull out behind us, with lights and siren on. That didn't deter anyone, as we still swarmed some cars, passing them on the right, before pulling in front of them for a left turn onto the second fruit loop. More than enough retardardation for me... I sat up in town, and continued up St. Vrain for a while, figuring I'd let things cool off, before heading back through town. Why do people insist on riding like such retards, and so dangerously? I mean really, if I was the person driving through town at the speed limit, while I get swarmed by 50 cyclists, I'd be so pissed. Sounds like the cops busted a couple of riders that got gapped off the group - maybe that should be the punishment for getting dropped? Especially when the guys at the front have to break the laws and ride like morons, just to score those elusive points at the sprint lines.
I guess sitting up worked okay, it meant I was a little more fresh on Wednesday when Seth, Chuck and I drafted Jake Rosenbarger to join our team for a little fun at the 4-man Team Time Trial. The ride went "okay", I thought Seth was going to kill us on his sick pull up the first hill, but I started to settle in, and then was anxious to start pulling through. We went okay in a block headwind, but I think we definitely could have gone faster. I was happy that we were pretty smooth though - it's funny when you can take 4 guys that haven't really ridden together, and they can rotate smoothly in the aerobars on a rolling course like that. As usual, I just feel sorry about my small draft, as I try to sit up as far as possible during my pulls. Good effort though, and the legs wanted more.
Thursday though, I was unfortunately out of work, because I had to call in sick. It was a real shame too, because it would have been a perfect day to sleep in, have some relaxing coffee in the morning, and then head out on the moto.
I bet the tourist-traffic would have been a bit bad around Estes, but the perfect weather would have made it worth it.
The clear skies up on top of Long's would probably have given me the urge to make that summit again!
With any luck, after the moto ride and some rest, I might have been able to gather up the strength to take the doggies into town for some swimming at the reservoir.
Swimming is by far Neo's favorite activity... along with launching into the water for sticks that are heavier than he is;
Even Taylor likes to play in the water occasionaly, though she likes lounging rather than swimming.
The doggies keep an eye out for truancy officers...
Nice job sicky! So here's my plan, kinda. I am leaving for Maine on Sat. and will be gone all week. When I get back we need to set up a time to get out on the weekend up in your parts. Do some SSing around up there. What do you think? Are you open next month?
I love doggie swimming pictures!!!
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