Monday, December 22, 2008

Long Days and Short Nights

Today is going to be longer than yesterday was... and that's good news!

The weekend was absolutely frigid, and as expected, I became very friendly with the new indoor trainer. It was good to get the legs spinning though, get some effort going, and start to force the sickness out of the body. Not much to report, as no matter when you went outside, or for how long, it was bitingly cold. Cold enough that 28 degrees this morning on my way to work, felt like a full-on heat wave.

I did get out yesterday to do some work building some bikes, but now it's just a day of work, and full focus on our trip to the beach - which starts at "dark-thirty" tomorrow morning! Woo Hoo! It could be a bit rainy, but at 70+ degrees, I don't think I'll mind all that much!

I don't even have any fun pictures today, so for now, Happy Chanukah!

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